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Appreciation and Accolades

Here’s what people are saying


From Under-Prepared to Confident and Thriving

“I began working with Lee when I felt profoundly under-prepared in my business. I knew I was good at what I did, but running a business? And the visibility and responsibility associated with it? Imposter syndrome isn’t a strong enough way to express how I was feeling.

Lee is so talented in unlocking the wisdom of a group – of sensing who has just the right thing to say, at the right time, and inviting them to share it.

She has fabulous business and personal development wisdom, and balances, more than anyone I’ve ever met, the ability to both share her helpful insights and bring in the wisdom of the group…

… setting the stage for a really grounded, wise discussion.

I grew deeply in confidence during my time with her and my business results are correlated with that, too.

Thank you!”

Emma Garrett
Emma Garrett
Founder, Emma Garrett Coaching

Private Clients

Excited to Fully Step Into My Vision

“Working with Lee has allowed me to get really clear on my vision and what I want for my business. As a new entrepreneur, I really didn’t know what steps to take to even begin to achieve what I desired.

I had a lot of ideas combined with lack of knowledge on how get clear and to accomplish them in a strategic manner. I was turning in circles working really hard to not get anywhere.

Working one-on-one gave me a sounding board to narrow my focus and allowed me to actually take steps forward in a productive way.

I created a course that I didn’t know what to do with. I thought I would sell it online for $97. I was using social media to build a following, but not getting any interest. Lee helped me to shift my thinking and beta test the offer as a small group program instead.

She taught me how to market the offer without relying on social media, and how to use the technology and tools I already had to make running the program cost effective and less stressful to deliver.

I was able to fill my beta group and lead the program with ease, and had so much fun doing it!

I now know how to “worker smarter,” and it feels good to know that Lee is there to help me correct course when I start to fall into old habits that don’t serve me. I am super excited to grow, expand and fully step into my vision, knowing I have a co-pilot to help me navigate the waters that are unfamiliar to me.

Jen Colombo
Jennifer Faye Colombo
Artist and Co-Founder, Heart Wisdom LLC and Co-Creator of the Oil Affirmation Guide and Card Deck

Poised For Growth

“I could finally clarify all of the ideas in my head and produce something tangible. I now have a clear business vision and roadmap for action. I gained confidence and my business is beginning to soar!”

Dr. Sara Smith
Wellness Coach and Owner at Sara Smith Wellness

From Confusion to Clarity

“I love what I do but it didn’t feel like the highest expression of what I could provide my clients. With Lee’s help I discovered how to intentionally and strategically infuse who I am as the “secret sauce” in all my services. This alignment feels phenomenal. Lee’s expertise is priceless!”

Laurie Hock
Laurie Hock
Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and Owner at Growing Points

Clear and On Purpose

“Lee is an amazing coach! Before our first call together, my thought was “How much can we possibly accomplish in one session? She really doesn’t know that much about me.” I could not have been more wrong. In just one call she helped me clarify exactly what I wanted to do and who I wanted as clients. I had been struggling for over a year with this concept. I highly recommend her.”

Debby Barry
Debby Barry
Life Transitions Designs Coach

I See My Business as Something I am Proud of

“Before working with Lee my biggest struggle was narrowing down my target market for my business. I needed a firm grasp on this in order to develop my marketing strategy and had a lot of frustration from this lack of clarity. Now I truly see my business as something I am proud of and can confidently present to the world. I believe it can thrive and sustain itself because I have a clear roadmap.”

Ashley Palmer
Founder of The Ashley Palmer Project and Creator of The Floating Oasis