
A Tale of Two Business Owners

My clients are established business owners that run successful businesses.

When they first come to me, they are extremely focused on breaking through their business challenges.

And…they receive so much more!

Here are some of their stories.

From Stagnant to Thriving

Sherwood Conde
Principal and Founder, Conde Construction


Sherwood had been in business for more than a decade. As a sought-after General Contractor specializing in unique, high-end residential renovations, he had built a strong brand and robust business with a discerning, elite clientele.

Things had been moving along steadily. And then it happened. Business stagnated.

He was stressed, not sleeping well and burning the candle at both ends. He started having periods of self-doubt, and was questioning his plans for growing his business to the next level.

After hearing me speak at an event about the difference between change and transformation, a light bulb went off. He said that he realized that his company was completely misaligned…and that he needed my help, fast.


After learning more about Sherwood’s business and vision, it was clear that the first priority was to get the revenue faucet turned on again. I worked with him privately to help him own his vision and shift how he was leading. Simultaneously, I facilitated a series of team meetings for the partners to productively talk through the issues and get on the same page.


Resolved their cashflow issues

Put “pause” on expensive strategies and sponsorships that were not getting them clients

Got the team collaborating well with each other again, and working in their ideal roles

Developed a marketing strategy aligned with their strengths

Completed renovating their office space

Began doing charitable work again – the fuel that lights their fire

Reduced stress and better quality sleep

More free time to enjoy life and be with loved ones

In His Own Words:

“I believe that every business transaction should allow you to gain profit, and also should bring benefit to all involved. In the end there should be so much benefit that there is a ripple effect that reaches others beyond those involved in the transaction. Working with Lee Murphy Wolf was this type of experience.  

Before meeting Lee, my Company was stagnant and had reached a particular plateau. It seemed to be similar everyday. I was losing my own fuel for progress and settling for the results. We have always had a great Company, but it needed to go to the next level. I know Construction in immense technical specification and detail, and I also am well versed in growing a business, but I could not pin point with my partners why we were stuck.

We decided to meet with Lee and begin her program. At first it was striking to hear an outsider’s point of view and what she had to say to help guide us. She gave us direction and some small exercises to perform before each of our meetings. One of her strategies was very specific to doing business with firms of equal size. We had that, but it wasn’t developed. We began to grow that branch and to implement other concepts. It has evolved into a strong market niche that provides a great source of work for us and has also helped to resolve cash flow issues. Another added benefit was that we began doing projects for charitable causes again, which is very important to us and was not possible until the cash flow issues were resolved. 

After implementing measures, strategies, and boundaries created by Lee, we have seen a new future that has us believing that “anything is possible” and we are aligned to reach as high as we want to leap for.”

From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed

Candice Hozza
Spiritual Strategist and Founder of


Candice was working with a business coach, and her business was growing steadily. She primarily offered 1:1 services and had a full calendar of client appointments every week. She was at a point where she could not take on any more private clients, and was working with her coach on shifting her business model so she could serve more people and continue to grow. She had created an introductory course …but wasn’t excited about selling it. Something felt “off,” and it was blocking her from moving forward.

Then the pandemic hit…and her business growth exploded.

Suddenly she was working incredibly long hours, including weekends, to support her clients. As an intuitive, her services require a lot of energy to deliver, and she was feeling the physical toll of her workload. She had up-leveled her marketing, and even though she had expanded her team, she felt overwhelmed trying to get everything implemented.

She wanted a fresh perspective so she could get unstuck, stop working so hard and enjoy more time with her family.


I sensed that more than anything, Candice needed space, and that she needed to rethink her business model. I held space for her to process what was really going on, and helped her to zero in on what made her happy. Then we created a simple plan to bring that to life.


Gained the clarity and confidence to stop offering her introductory 1:1 package

Redesigned her group offer to maximize her gifts and align with her mission of delivering deep transformation for her clients

Was able to envision a way to bring back the “pro bono” readings she loved to give her local community

Energy level increased

Had more time with her family

Felt more fulfilled and aligned for her next level of success

In Her Own Words:

Are You My Next Success Story?

If you’re tired of working so hard and are ready to find balance in life and business, you don’t have to figure things out on your own.

I can help you to unlock the hidden gems already sitting in your business and make simple shifts, so you can start to live life on your terms, now.

Schedule your free Energy Audit session today to receive personalized guidance on your next best steps.

Poised For Growth

“I could finally clarify all of the ideas in my head and produce something tangible. I now have a clear business vision and roadmap for action. I gained confidence and my business is beginning to soar!”

Dr. Sara Smith
Wellness Coach and Owner at Sara Smith Wellness

From Confusion to Clarity

“I love what I do but it didn’t feel like the highest expression of what I could provide my clients. With Lee’s help I discovered how to intentionally and strategically infuse who I am as the “secret sauce” in all my services. This alignment feels phenomenal. Lee’s expertise is priceless!”

Laurie Hock
Laurie Hock
Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and Owner at Growing Points

Clear and On Purpose

“Lee is an amazing coach! Before our first call together, my thought was “How much can we possibly accomplish in one session? She really doesn’t know that much about me.” I could not have been more wrong. In just one call she helped me clarify exactly what I wanted to do and who I wanted as clients. I had been struggling for over a year with this concept. I highly recommend her.”

Debby Barry
Debby Barry
Life Transitions Designs Coach

I See My Business as Something I am Proud of

“Before working with Lee my biggest struggle was narrowing down my target market for my business. I needed a firm grasp on this in order to develop my marketing strategy and had a lot of frustration from this lack of clarity. Now I truly see my business as something I am proud of and can confidently present to the world. I believe it can thrive and sustain itself because I have a clear roadmap.”

Ashley Palmer
Founder of The Ashley Palmer Project and Creator of The Floating Oasis